Minor bleeding after surgery is normal and may last for up to 24 hours.
Following an extraction, apply a firm and consistent pressure on the extraction site for 30 minutes by biting down on the gauze provided. This is an important step in the clotting process. A blood clot that forms immediately after surgery promotes a quicker and more comfortable healing. Losing that first blood clot may lead to complications such as bleeding, pain and post-operative infection.
If, for whatever reason bleeding resumes, it is recommended that you use a lightly moistened tea bag in place of the gauze. Bite it down with a consistent light pressure for 45 to 60 minutes or until the bleeding stops. This will help form another blood clot. If bleeding persists, speak to your dentist.
It is normal to feel pain for a few days following your surgery. This discomfort varies from one individual to another. Do not hesitate to take Ibuprofen or other painkillers/anti-inflammatories prescribed by Dr. Gascon as needed (unless contraindicated by your doctor).
Jaw movements can cause light pain as well. In order to minimize muscle discomfort, you can apply cold and hot compresses (10–15 minutes cold, followed by 10–15 minutes hot) at the level of your cheeks or your temporomandibular joint.
Swelling or bruising after surgery can occur. To minimize these secondary effects, it is important to apply ice as soon as possible after your surgery. Place an ice pack wrapped in a hand towel on the outside of your face over the treated area in 10-minute intervals (10 minutes on, 10 minutes off). Continue to apply ice as much as possible for the first 24 hours after the surgery.
Keeping your head higher than the rest of your body also helps to reduce swelling. Sleep with a second pillow to elevate your head and refrain from sleeping on the side of your surgery. Avoid all mechanical or manual pressure on the surgical site.
Some tips to follow during the first 2 weeks following your surgery:
- Do not drink through a straw
- Do not spit
- If you must cough or sneeze, make sure you do so with your mouth open (to avoid creating pressure in the mouth)
- Avoid hot and spicy foods
- Avoid foods with small grains until the wound has closed
- Eat food with a soft consistency (ex: omelettes, pasta, fish, cooked vegetables, etc.)
As healing progresses, gradually reintroduce firmer foods.
For the first 2 weeks following your surgery, or as directed by Dr. Gascon, eat on the opposite side.
Do not smoke or use a vapourizer for a minimum of two weeks following your surgery. This can harm and prevent proper healing of the tissues.
Oral Hygiene
Despite the pain and minor bleeding that may occur, brushing your teeth is one of the most important components in the healing process. A clean mouth will ensure faster and more comfortable healing.
The day after your surgery, you can start to gently rinse your mouth out with salt water (¼ teaspoon of salt diluted in a glass of water). Rinse 4 to 5 times a day, after each meal and before going to bed. You can continue this procedure for about 2 weeks, or as directed by Dr. Gascon.
Do not use commercial mouth wash which contains alcohol (ex: Listerine) during the healing phase. Brush your teeth as usual, but be very careful around the wound and avoid brushing the surgical site.
Avoid all physical activity (land and water sports) that will lead to an increase in heart rate for 2 weeks following your surgery. Walking is allowed.
Do not tilt your head forward or lift anything heavy.
Restriction of physical activities encourages proper healing.
NOTE: If a bone graft was placed during the extraction, giving blood is not permitted for 1 year after the surgery.
Unless you are allergic, it is important to comply with the prescriptions we have given you. If antibiotics have been prescribed, take them until the end of treatment to ensure proper healing and prevent infection.
*Note taking antibiotics can diminish, or even inhibit the effectiveness of the birth control pill
The sutures do not resorb and will be removed 3 weeks after your surgery. If you have any discomfort or concerns, please do not hesitate to call us.